《梵高:天赋之笔 Moi, Van Gogh》


  Dive into the heart of Van Goah. For the first time, discover in IMAX the fantastic colors and passionate brushwork of a great genius as they take on a new life before our eyes. Relive Vincent's life journey through his letters,see the places that inspired him, and the paintings. The film retraces the artist's footsteps, leading us through the painter's subject matter and sources of inspiration. Fron the Netherlands, to Arles and Auvers-sur-Oise, we rediscover the places and landscapes that have inspired some of the most essential works in art history. From the dazzling yellow of the comfields to the deep blue of the sky,the entire palette of one of our most flamboyant painters explodes to light up screen


  • 带领我们领略了梵高笔下的真实景色。 —— 豆瓣松鼠

  • 虽然第一人称旁白有点怪:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/I5PjJ0PDiVxbIp3D-EhAWQ —— 深夜声噎

  • 2012.10 —— Kevinz

  • 高一美术课 —— 兀

  • 高分割线和对比色彩 —— Véra知彼不知己

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