《锁定 Locked Down》


  Danny, a respected cop, is setup after an investigation goes wrong. While laying low in his new jail cell, Danny is forced to get involved in the inmates underground cage fighting circuit. With the help of Irving, a former mixed martial arts champion, Danny devises a scheme to bring justice and innocence to his family's name, if he can get out of the cage alive.


  • 点错了才看的。。。没看完。。有点无聊,男主角很man —— あい

  • 监狱拳击电影,为了白灵才看的,里面有中国功夫,虽然打的很假。白灵在里面饰演一位狱警。还好。资源:ftp://dygod1:dygod1@d135.dygod.org:7035/锁定.[中英双字.1024分辨率]/[电影天堂www.dy2018.net]锁定BD中英双字.rmvb —— 大地之灯

  • 白小姐,您丢了我们瓷器吟民的碾~ —— 不醉无归爱谁谁

  • 打架 漏点 …… —— 牛奶路

  • 欧美监狱黑拳题材里非常差的一部,动作缓慢拖拉,慢吞吞,无观赏性,情节差,看到那女警的发型和她蹩脚的动作我就已经开始想吐 —— 独自穿越黑暗

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