《未知死亡 Ghajini》


  Sanjay Ramasamy is a rich tycoon suffering from short term memory loss due to being hit by a metal pole when trying to intervene on his girlfriend's murder. Because of the severe injury on his head, his memory can only last for fifteen minutes and he doesn't remember events or incidents that have happened before in his life. He can now only live a comprehendable life by tattooing notes on himself and taking pictures of things with a Polaroid camera to remind himself of the incidents that have happened. His story in unraveled by a police officer who is hunting him due to several murders he has committed while trying to find his girlfriend's murderer through his diary. His story has also piqued the interest of a medical college student, Chitra who is searching for a patient with an "interesting" record for her college project. Chitra comes to know about Sanjay's love with Kalpana a model cum activist. When her activist work for children comes in the way of child racketeers, she is killed by Lakshman when she intervened with his plan of kidnapping 25 young girls to Calcutta. So, with the help of Chitra, Sanjay sets out on a revenge spree, searching for the murderer of the one love of his life. Written by SoMeOnE


  • 高清中文字幕优酷在线:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODkwMjM3ODg0.html —— CondorAve

  • 这样的女生真的很可爱 —— 橘花散里

  • 05版和08版才差三年,可是里面的布景、服装、道具感觉差了十三年!男主高富帅时期造型气质真的比不上可爱的小短腿呀!看来,大牌就是大牌,剧组有了大牌才敢可劲的花钱吧,哈哈! —— celine1021

  • 警察,女主好像没换人。前面的部分05和08几乎一模一样,片尾部分女二戏份很多,原版的坏蛋也更坏,片尾在学校水池里打还挺好玩。可见本片不仅想表达爱情,还想成为动作片。片尾男主打一堆小怪,动作几乎完全copy《精武英雄》陈真闯虹口道场的那一幕啊,最后一幕是小怪从背后上来,抓裆,向上甩飞哈哈。 —— exlife

  • 最让人惊喜的是,Ghajini成功地把一场Nolan炫技的概念电影重塑成典型的拳拳到肉,畅快复仇的个人英雄主义电影。 —— Maxthor

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