The film centers on the Herdman kids, who are the absolute worst. They lie, they steal, they bully… and they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant. As the rowdy and raucous siblings force themselves into all of the lead roles, they drive the pageant’s director, Grace (Judy Greer), and other members of her family, including husband Bob (Holmes), up the wall. But through their misfit mischief, these unlikely messengers might turn out to be the ones to deliver the town’s sensational and moving portrayal of the true meaning of Christmas.
Not bad 主旋律电影 强制煽情 比man called Otto好 朋友有份参演 算是特意捧场 —— BullshitArtist
m24150:神爱世人。人却不能摆脱偏见歧视。6个孩子生活不容易这点没有深挖,但在读书馆读书那一幕让人觉得他们还是挺可爱的。 —— Timing
救命!儿童传教片!拍得还特别虚伪! —— 囍弗斯
达拉斯·詹金斯《史上最棒的圣诞庆典》,5/10。今年圣诞的片子质量不行啊,朱迪·格雷尔妈味儿十足 —— LilHardboy㊎㊌
emmm给圣诞寓意美好的电影打低分我是不是也堕落了哈哈哈我承认从主题到表现都很刻意美好但是它无聊啊。 —— 天外飞青