The film comprises six interconnected stories, one of them co-written with actress-screenwriter Iulia Lumânare. Interestingly, the feature recycles (and completes) The Christmas Gift and another, unreleased short film, New Year’s Eve. One of the protagonists is Ştefan Silvestru, the director of the national television station, who has to deal with a career-ending issue: an actress who appeared in a sketch to be broadcast on New Year’s Eve has defected the country. Silvestru’s son, Laurenţiu, who plans to defect by swimming across the Danube to Yugoslavia, is the protagonist of another story, all six of them exploring the atmosphere in Bucharest before the “end of the world”, or the fall of the regime.
炸裂 —— Lily
#81st Venezia# 4/10 拖沓乏味,像是故事碎片的拼凑。 —— 莫失莫忘
我们要不要在生存面前谈论灵魂。3.5. —— 薄荷清柚
如果人类不能及时全体灭亡的话,就希望历史能把我们带到好的方向吧。 —— 卡仔
影片直到靠近结尾的地方才第一次出现齐奥塞斯库的名字,影片前面的部份一直笼罩在一种末日将近的氛围当中。导演推进电影以及情绪调动的技巧把握的很好。今年威尼斯选出的片子更合我的口味,比隔壁选出《阿诺拉》的好多了。 —— 冰原