里奥 Leo

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  Parthiban lives a simple life in Shimla along with wife Satya and two children and runs a cafe.Few contract killers enter the town an create havoc,one night they attack Parthiban's cafe and all get shot dead by him while trying to save his daughter and employee.The trial goes in court and Parthiban is set free as all men were criminals and he did it in self defense.Parthiban becomes a hero in town and his news is published in various newspapers where few want him dead.Harold Das one of the gangsters comes across his picture and identifies him as Leo Das who was termed dead many years back.Harold informs his elder brother Antony Das a menacing gangster who travels to Shimla to meet Parthiban.Antony is confident that Parthiban is Leo and tries all kind of ways to harass him.But Parthiban is adamant that he is not Leo and that he could be his lookalike.by:https://www.yuankan.cc/dianying/162066.html


  • 不看也罢!这部电影在有限的印度电影观影体验中属于较差的作品。主要是反感里面的邪的歪的那些令人厌恶的大反派的类似巫术的做法--竟然会杀掉自己子女。。。实在是脑子萎缩成多小才会编出这样的剧情。447人在豆瓣标记看过381人评分。2024年3月2日。 —— zj@99

  • 有什么惊艳呢?不就是在印式大型歌舞里植入打斗嘛……何况动作很假,众多摇镜搭配慢动作,再加上一些上帝视觉来展示群殴,这些动作梗早被吴宇森玩烂的了。 —— 老珂

  • 千万不要相信印度人(的电影)!!!。。。你让他拍《渡江侦察记》他给你拍成《寻秦记》,你让他拍《哈利波特》他给你拍成《少林寺》。。。印度成龙和成龙之间差了整个南亚次大陆的距离。。。这TMD分明是两个剧本活活放一起怎么好意思160分钟片长?!纯狗血浪费生命。。。 —— 水水

  • 基本就是无脑爽片了,打得确实热闹,长镜头托马斯旋转360度,这很印度,很玛莎拉。剧情小学生级别,可以理解为加长版抖音短剧,完全没法细想,BGM也是泛滥成灾,已经无法区分到底是MV型的电影,还是电影型的MV。 —— 断肠人在刷牙

  • 今年在电影院看的第二部南印度片,觉得动作戏设计不错,也没Jawan那么多的慢镜头和歌舞,整体节奏让国际观众好接受。看出点不怀好意的政治意味是怎么回事呢,毒枭们疑似都是基督教徒,起着西方名字,Leo想跟过去一刀两断做好人,就改了个普通Hindu名字。还有点普天下的中年危机的意味,老婆不信任,儿子离家出走的。 —— 完颜穆尔登格