巨物 Monolith

巨物 Monolith磁力下载


  Through the clever containment of a single location and only one on-screen character, Monolith surveils disgraced journalist (rising star Lily Sullivan) as she turns to podcasting to salvage her career, before uncovering a strange artefact that she believes is evidence of an alien conspiracy. The teasing mystery is a product of the ground-breaking Film Lab: New Voices initiative, and uses its creative restraint to compelling advantage.


  • 密室独角戏 恐惧的传播来源于每个人心底隐藏的魔鬼 —— t0psh1t

  • 失意女主播独自隐居山野别墅,想要通过收集到精彩的故事挽回自己的事业及一切,一封匿名电邮给她一个电话号码,打过去了解到对方口中一块神秘“黑砖”的往事。女主播展开抽丝剥茧的调查,追寻黑砖的线索牵扯出全球范围内多地的听众,据说这是多年前英国政府怀疑俄国搞的黑科技武器,通过言语传播疾病(诅咒)。随着调查深入,离奇的事接二连三发生,陌生人寄来的U盘里有女主儿时生日录像、德国的古董商想视频直播却莫名死亡、女主... —— 亲爱的猥琐猪

  • 感觉看了部reddit热门鬼故事的有声书 —— Marutvat

  • @Mayhem2023 —— 林文清

  • 还不错的低成本惊悚片,氛围维持得很好,就是结尾又往更个人的层面转折让我有些失望,就是这个monolith的设定还是有点太讨巧了 —— 如