《油毡 Linoleum》


  The host of a failing children's science TV show attempts to fulfill his childhood dream of being an astronaut by building a rocket ship in his garage, all while trying to makes sense of surreal events around him.


  • 卧槽! —— 位XH

  • 看这个没法集中注意力,不够吸引人。 —— 梦之安魂曲

  • 可以表述的更好些…不然只是抽象的表达 —— 追逐时光的尾巴

  • 相当于没看 —— 苏乏

  • 困在时间里的他,这种时空方式处理很有新意啊。前半段鸡零狗碎虽偶有悬念设置但未免也有些乏味,最后20分钟一切真相揭开真是叫人拍案叫绝,好感人啊。(读邀请函闪前剪辑可供学习) —— 雕刻时光

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