《养老庄园 The Manor》


  After suffering a stroke, Judith Albright moves into a historic nursing home, where she begins to suspect something supernatural is preying on the residents. In order to escape, she'll need to convince everyone around her that she doesn't actually belong there after all.


  • 太儿戏了 —— LeungChanXXX

  • 同流合巫。 —— 寒狐居士

  • 祖孙二人大冒险的那一段全体人员和剧情都不在线了... —— 芥末不辣

  • 看来医院/养老院/精神病院已成为恐怖惊悚题材专用场所 充斥着孤独与死亡的恐惧氛围可以发展无限黑暗的想象 可惜故事俗套无趣 打不过就加入的结局令人失望 芭芭拉赫希作为惊悚片专业大女主也并没有发挥任何有力的对抗 —— t0psh1t

  • 应该叫喜剧片,结局真的是大跌眼镜 —— 云图

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