《爱之咒:黑色婚礼 Приворот. Черное венчание》


  Dark Spell is a story about the girl named Zhenya who suffers from being in love with her husband that has left her, so she decides to bring him back. Desperate heroine casts a spell called "Black Wedding", which is a magical ritual known for its great power and irreversibility. After the ritual, her beloved husband comes back, although his love becomes more like an obsession: he is even ready to kill Zhenya, so as not to give her to anyone. When the maddened husband dies, the spell does not stop: because even death will not part those who were betrothed by the demon of black wedding.


  • 不婚不育,芳龄永继;莫生莫养,仙寿恒昌 —— 卡苏天堂

  • 真爱喂恶魔许愿,结果恶魔发现是塑料假爱认为所骗,撕毁契约反噬,这概念本来挺好的,颜值又都高,剪辑毁所有。几场爱爱戏很养眼。 —— WIKI魏

  • 没什么值得看的买表片 —— обломов

  • “至死不渝”,这男的又渣又恶心,女主的脑子也多少有点毛病。 部分场景设置得有点《杀人狂魔》的味道。 —— 梵顿Kirin

  • 什么鬼剧情啊;看着好搞笑我的妈;这还整个男小三啊我勒个槽;听英语看男主演的简直全程嗑药;女主真好看,某些角度低配波特曼,我的菜…… —— KD6-3.7

爱之咒:黑色婚礼 Приворот. Черное венчание磁力下载