A group of friends listen as one man tells them a story about a time when, in a small cafe, he discovered a peephole into the ladies' bathroom and became addicted to looking through it at female genitals. They ask him questions and come to conclusions about sex. This is a filmed, scripted version. Then, the actual person who this happened to relates the same story; this time, however, it is an unscripted documentary, in which the same things occur as in the scripted one.
虚构与纪录对勘. 萨德/巴塔耶/福柯/穆尔维... —— gershom
厄斯塔什向着“真实电影”竖中指。 —— TWY
一个男人在谈论他如何偷窥女人。周围的女人渐次围向他,专注地倾听。没有比这更奇妙的了。在他讲述偷窥的那个小孔的时候,他的衬衫上也开了一个小洞。 —— 頭痛キタ
一個無法溯源的故事,厄斯塔什對其「真實性」不感興趣(即使是當事人,由用言語描述親身經歷的那一刻起,已離不開某程度的記錄與虛構之混合),他關心的是如何去說、說與聽之過程。同一個故事,由不同人敘說,說話的語調、停頓、節奏有異,與聽故事的人之間的互動與氛圍都有差別。說話者與旁聽者的「距離」。 —— Landy
这也能算电影? —— ME