这就是足球 This is Football

这就是足球 This is Football磁力下载


  This Is Football unpacks the unique phenomenon that grips and unifies billions of people from every corner of the globe. Across the episodes universal themes of the human experience are explored: Redemption – football’s uplifting role in rebuilding the soul of Rwanda after the genocide, Belief – the inspirational rise of women’s football and two teams who gave everything to make it happen, Chance – the agony and the ecstasy of the fates that humble champions and keep every fan believing in the impossible, Love - four stories from every corner of the earth where the love of the game transcends adversity, Pride - how Iceland’s football Vikings take on the world and give every underdog hope, and Wonder – unlocking the secrets of Lionel Messi’s genius and the global delight of watching him play. Each story unfolds dramatically through the experience of men and women of different races, cultures and creeds, all of them remarkable, all of them united in their passion for football and chosen from every continent on Earth.


  • 太好看了!这是一部足球史诗,足球让分裂的国家统一,让原本心怀愤恨的人们相互和解并且共生,这就是这项运动的魅力! —— 猫觅

  • 几乎不借助广为人知的比赛或球星,却几乎完美的解释了足球为何能是全球最受欢迎的运动 —— typacm

  • 最好的运动 —— jigedon

  • 1.卢旺达球迷也可以看英超,了不起。不少利物浦球迷出现本集。足球能促进图西和胡图两族之间的宽恕与融合,神奇!2. 美日两国的女子足球起步发展也很艰辛,不被人重视的项目。99中美玫瑰碗对决,勾起无限回忆。3.卡恩悲情回忆的半生。4.九十年代中期,我曾经跟同学调侃过,中国国家队踢不过冰岛国家队~ —— k-pax

  • 足球是人类情感的总和。亚马逊的纪录片聚焦世界各地各人,甚至还有中国的画面,也不免俗套的用一整集来聚焦梅球王。 —— 私房歌