萍水相逢 Короткие встречи

萍水相逢 Короткие встречи磁力下载


  Brief Meetings is about a love triangle between three very different people. Nadia, a country girl, falls in love with Maskim, a roaming guitar playing geologist, and in her search for him she ends up working for Valentina, his long-distance, bureaucrat wife. Nadia begins to work as a maid for Valentina, but as they spend time together they have flashbacks to their brief meetings with Maskim. These flashbacks occur throughout the film and both Valentina and Nadia have them. Finally news arrives of Maskim's return to Valentina. On the day of his return Nadia cooks a meal for them both and leaves before they arrive, Valentina never knew of Nadia's encounters with Maskim, and Maskim will never know of Nadia's time with Valentina.


  • 8。萍水之间偶相逢,穆拉托娃自上阵,小三自有自知明,悄然离去了无痕 —— Mannialanck

  • 8.0/10。男主、男主妻子A、给A打工的乡村女性B之间的三角恋故事。摄影表意有力且充满乏闷感(契合角色们的心理状态),是高水平;各种突兀的闪回文本上契合角色们「精神不够稳定」的状态。但作为传统故事片叙事很淡(虽然这也增强了乏闷感和生活感觉),扣1分。 —— 持人的摄影机

  • 不得不承认,回到正常人的世界,什么技法都会让人看得更舒心一点。导演最基本的想法在此片展露得非常清楚,care什么不care什么,一种对官僚系统生活的透澈了解和亲密接触,果然才女一枚——虽然在现实中还是被狠狠摔了一把。 —— 冷漠的有趣

  • 悄悄的我走了 正如我悄悄的来 我挥一挥衣袖 只带走一只橘子 —— 小鸭之友

  • 在线观看:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjc5ODk5NDg=.html —— 侯建冬