It's September, 1915. Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe have been engaged for some time, but life seems to always get in the way of them actually getting married. They eventually want to resettle back in Avonlea, Prince Edward Island, despite Green Gables' dilapidated condition and the fact that they do not own it. But their latest detour takes them to New York City as Gilbert's tenure at Bellevue Hospital has been extended. Anne, who has resisted moving to New York City in the past with him, decides to go this time. While pursuing her writing career, she gets a job as a junior editor at Winfield Publishing, where she meets the company's star writer, Jack Garrison, who aspires to write more serious works than the pulp fiction he is required to churn out for Winfield. But not only affecting Anne and Gilbert's life but that of everyone they know, World War I takes hold and further complicates matters...
梅根比較顯老......真懷念她青春逼人的第一第二部..... —— 裘笛
清秀佳人成为了乱世佳人。Jack是"Andromeda"里Valentine的兄弟啊。 —— Marty McFly
女演员们真好看。第二季和第三季都为戴安娜感到不值得。有女性主义以及一些古早“玛丽苏”了,最后两集其实安已经很憔悴的脸。战争中的人们和充满希望与干劲的女人们,她们很棒,然而……。刻意避开了女主生育这个事件,所以对原著产生了强烈的兴趣。以前图书馆借到的只有她小时候那部,而且当时读觉得不中意。现在想重新读全集。还是最喜欢第一季和第二季她和戴安娜单身,她单身的部分,学校的部分也很有意思。才发现这部,简爱,... —— 祭司(Ojas)
美好又明媚的故事。主人公安妮是个充满幻想且热情地生活着的人,她的坚定和热情让我相信浪漫是很宝贵。这样可爱的人,怎么能不使人喜欢呢? —— 想躲又想得到爱
原来Anne后来还经历了这么多!跟Gilbert去纽约寻梦,回乡,刚结完婚丈夫就去去打仗了,自己跑去战场寻夫,遇友人托孤……Anne真的是太勇敢了!想起了《乱世佳人》里的斯嘉丽了! —— 山中的Annie