克里西区的静静日子 Jours tranquilles à Clichy

克里西区的静静日子 Jours tranquilles à Clichy磁力下载


  The American writer Joe arrives in Paris to research and write about Proust. He meets the Polish Karl and they become friends and costumers of brothels and restaurants. When the fifteen year-old Colette arrives in Paris, they both fall in love with her.
  Expatriate Henry Miller indulges in a variety of sexual escapades while struggling to establish himself as a serious writer in Paris.
  Very nice portrait of the thirties..., 23 April 2002
  Author: Oreste (oreste.sl@sympatico.ca) from Montréal, Québec
  Different from many other Chabrol movies that follow "Hitchock-like" patterns, _Jours tranquilles à Clichy_ relates the days a young American writer (Henry Miller) spent in the Gay Paris of the early thirties, with his polish-descent friend and their young Colette, a 14 years old-ish girl with whom they both fall in love. The story in itself doesn't send us from a surprising even to another but slowly lifts the curtain over the prostitution, pornography, libertinage and partying that seemed to oppose Paris so much to New York, in the eyes of Miller, searching for a change from the dull like he lead before. The story is a quest for Proust and his lost time, a quest for a new life, for thrills, for truth in forgetting oneself...


  • 真是佩服自己的找片子能力。这么冷门的都给我挖到了资源。大家外语冷门小众片找不到的尽管来找我!让我小小不要脸的自诩为冷门小片资源帝吧!hia hia —— scatter!

  • 如果不是毛子配音的话,这片能更上一层楼……可惜没找到其他片源了----时隔5年重新下到了蓝光压缩版本,真是太荒淫了 —— conwei

  • Stille dage i Clichy 1970 —— 超人叔叔

  • 不错,和老头子在一起的那个女人很棒,漂亮。可看。 —— 春光灿烂

  • 看得我都反感男人了,尤其是自称艺术家,作家的男人,说那么多看起来很有深度的话到头来还是只想把手伸进女生的内裤里,相比之下女人比男人诚实潇洒多了。两星都给电影里的女人,因为她们才是美好的一切。 —— Grawlix