Based on the incredible true story of Jangsari Landing Operation. When North Korea invades South Korea on June 25, 1950, they pushed South Korea and its ally US Army to the southernmost city. U.S. General MacArthur planned Operation Chromite, which would see the joint allied forces to take back a strategic location of Inchon and in order for it to succeed, he needed a small battalion to flank the North Korean army and eliminate their supply line at Jangsari beach.
Having lost his family on his retreat away from North Korea before the War, a model student Choi Sung-pil enlists in the army to fight for the South. Ki Ha-ryun is a rebellious youth from the South who volunteers to fight in the war. All of the 772 students and youths are like them who are barely out of school with only 2 weeks of boot camp training. Task force commander Captain Lee Myung-jun knows that it’s a long shot, but he has no choice but to lead them into a crucial mission. Meanwhile, US war correspondent Maggie braves the dangers of the battlefield to report on the war in the frontlines. She feels empathy for the Korean students who must go into battle on behalf of the veteran soldiers for their country, and tries to do what she can on her end to rescue them.
With little ammo, scant food supplies and raggedy weapons, can the students successfully carry out their mission and return home safely?
立场不同,对待战争的看法也不同。唯一相同的是被卷进战争的民众们,才是最大的受害者。 —— Hangain
毫无意义的双线叙事,毫无灵魂的故事编写,整部电影,没有人,没有对于战争的严谨态度,只有一段段无聊的战火炫技和那一场场味同嚼蜡的文戏,还不如《仁川登陆作战》呢! —— 谢谢你们的鱼
這類半島衝突電影實在無法和舊共和時期作品相類比,原本可以成為韓國版聖那澤爾的好戰例就淪落和向著炮火一樣尷尬,連結局都幾乎一樣收尾。實際上學生兵臨時游擊大隊當年人手一把的繳獲蘇聯那甘步槍而非電影清一色的加蘭德就可見韓方高層也沒打算用心對學生兵的後續救援有太大心思,而這批棄子能一路靠著繳獲輕重火器撐上數天除了是學生兵自身努力外,長沙里朝鮮守兵本身貧弱的戰力也是一大因素。 —— John Coey
又见韩式主旋律。学生兵们都很帅。并没拍出新意。梅根福克斯是来??? —— 格兰德河的火车
战后美军史料对长沙里登陆战评价道:“这种扰乱敌人后方的企图,并未取得明显的收获,也未能给韩军第3师的进攻造成有利条件……”尽管如此,韩军仍为独立第一大队牵制了人民军一个步兵营达三天之久而沾沾自喜 —— J.Wen