《上帝未死3 God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness》


  A church destroyed. A congregation silenced. A relationship shattered. Yet even in life's darkest valleys, a small flame can light the way toward healing and hope. After a deadly fire rips through St. James Church, Hadleigh University leaders use the tragedy to push the congregation off campus, forcing the church to defend its rights and bringing together estranged brothers for a reunion that opens old wounds and forces them to address the issues that pulled them apart.


  • 如果最终的结局是双方甚至多方都是好的,那究竟争一个对错还有意义吗? —— 涅朵琦卡

  • 从宗教走向信仰的反思,也是在美国宗教大倒退的背景。前面似乎故意夸大了冲突,但也许美国人就是这样思考问题的。 后面当牧师放弃对一个教堂的执着,那一段重新审视信仰不是外在的。 —— 邹澍Joshua

  • 豆瓣上白左真的很多,只要看各类主旋律书本或自由主义书籍得分极高就知道~因此,本电影得分低,不奇怪~ —— 保罗

  • 这次比起前两部在冲突中胜出,这次选择了自我牺牲与放下,换来了两方的和解。很想知道前两部出现的中国小伙还有没有下文了。 —— 雪狼Polly

  • [MoviePass 2018 Apr #02] 感觉上美国学校和教堂间的关系向来很好啊,不像电影里的那样 —— ywen8698

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