《娘子军 Soeurs d'arme》


  In Greta Thunberg’s wake, the young have commenced an unrelenting struggle to save our planet. At the front of these corteges, and making headlines in the media as well as on social networks, young women have become the movement’s figureheads, sometimes in spite of themselves. The film follows young activists around the globe Anuna and Adélaïde (Belgium), Luisa (Germany), Léna (France), Leah (Uganda), and Mitzi (Philippines). A picture emerges of a course shared by “sisters in arms” who are driven by hope, commitment, and exceptional ideals.


  • 我觉得是完成度挺高的一部电影。几乎很平实地讲了一个革命电影的主题:哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。越来越觉得自由、人权这些大概念,只有当被践踏时,才那么宝贵。 —— 梧桐更兼细雨

  • 3.5星。真·女战士。 —— 寒狐居士

  • 大概只有后面三分之一值得看看,但是女演员们的枪械操作和战术动作实在是灰常的不专业~你要是想知道什么是“好莱坞效果”,可以来体验一下一颗手雷掀翻5米内所有人的场面~其实最诟病的,还是战争片把情绪归结到个人恩怨上,这样格局就太小了~ —— Quester

  • 有点浪漫化了 —— 魏晓波

  • 影2052:值得鼓励。女战士角度。 —— Timing

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