《河流如血 River Runs Red》


  The son of an African-American Judge is killed by police officers on the day he was set to begin law enforcement academy. When the courts clear the officers of wrongdoing, the Judge must decide whether the courts are the only arbitrators of justice.


  • 连依法行使国家审判权的法官的正义都得不到伸张,还会采取暴力行为。何况是我们这些平民百姓呢? —— 梦之安魂曲

  • 拍出来黑米帝种族歧视的 —— обломов

  • 无聊闷片,无病呻吟 —— 冷兵器的残泽

  • 题材是好题材,拍的一般 —— 电影学徒

  • 看过剪辑,剧情值得反思 —— 莉莉丝

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