《人生初日 Il primo giorno della mia vita》


  Written by Genovese himself, together with Paolo Costella, Rolando Ravello and Isabella Aguilar, and based upon the director’s novel of the same name published by Einaudi, the story tells the tale of a man (Valerio Mastandrea), two women (Margherita Buy and Sara Serraiocco) and a boy (Gabriele Cristini) who are sure they’ve hit rock bottom. They meet a mysterious character (Toni Servillo) who offers to show them how the world would look without them over the course of one week and, in so doing, provides them with an opportunity to find the strength to start over and to fall in love with life again, the inestimable value of which is pushed to the fore.


  • 一直想看看自己死后的世界,想看看谁会来参加你的葬礼,想看看谁为你彻夜未眠,想看看谁为你擦拭墓碑上的灰尘,想看看明天可能会遇到谁,想看看接下来上映的电影。。。。。。想活下去。。。。。。。 —— 米兰核心丹尼尔

  • 死亡冷静期 —— 星光降落

  • 带不走的留不下,留不下的别牵挂。 —— [未注销]

  • 像《世界奇妙物语》的某一集… —— 单鱼Apple

  • 抛开奇幻元素的话,故事讲的是几个准备自杀的人被一个心灵鸡汤大师哄骗,救了回来,不再自杀。而哄骗方式就是告诉他们——你未来的人生会遇见不同的人,会发生一些美好的事情,如果你现在自杀了,你就享受不到了。这不废话吗?但之所以此刻想要自杀,难道不是因为未来没有希望吗?哪怕未来有美好的事情,但肯定悲惨的事情会更多啊,要不你以为他们为什么当下想要自杀呢?这剧情俨然是对自杀者自杀决心的轻视。 —— 有心打扰

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