《浴血兄弟 Blood Brother》


  Brother's Blood takes place on the mean streets of a city in decay, where a recently released convict begins to take murderous revenge against his childhood friends, whom he believes let him take the fall for a crime they collectively committed. As the bodies start piling up, one of the friends, now a cop, will stop at nothing to put an end to the murderous rampage and to right the many wrongs of their tragically violent past.


  • 对白太多,太琐碎。 —— 斯坦利•赵

  • 没什么不好理解,艺术来源于生活。典型的报复社会型人格,典型的看不得别人好人格。即使有更好的选择,他也要选择报复社会。他不学习,你也不能学习。一个堕落的朋友,会死拽着你一起堕入深渊。 —— 纹森

  • 烂片无疑,不知名的演员,拙劣的演技,不过至少说明了一个浅显易懂的道理,人生路上,选择与怎样的人为伍很大程度上能决定你今后走怎样的道路,有怎样的结局。“兄弟情”,有时能帮你踏上正途,有时也会带你直降地狱! —— Eric

  • 群众演员 —— 江天暮雪

  • 从便利店截杀一段开始完全是一系列不合理的行动,也完全无法理解Sonny的逻辑,大概也只是为了增加贯穿始终的兄弟情仇的对峙效果把 —— [Deleted]

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