《怪趣群鸟 Drôles d'oiseaux》


  Mavie is 27 years old and has just moved to the French capital from the provinces. She dreams of a future as a writer but is plagued by doubt and uncertainty. 76-year-old misanthrope Georges runs a bookshop in Paris – or has he merely been forced to take refuge there to escape his past? These are two peculiar creatures indeed. Georges is cynical and no longer expects much from life, while Mavie is still brimming with expectation. Yet something magical happens between them, until Georges' dark secret suddenly catches up with him – and Mavie is caught up in something very different...
  Director Elise Girard succeeds in making a dreamlike film full of surprising absurdities. It’s not just love that appears out of the blue for the two protagonists, but also some quite literal strange birds. Girard depicts love beyond the barriers of age in a way that is both unexpected and moving, romantic instead of physical, timeless instead of fashionable. The film reminds us of the multifaceted nature of love as well as how fleeting it can be, existing not yesterday or tomorrow but above all in the present.


  • 我才不会说是因为链接跳转出错才看了这部电影呢。意外地还蛮有意思,非常适合豆瓣这块土壤喂养起来的年轻男女们?谁不想在巴黎的天空下,在书籍纸张的馨香里,谈一场没有目的没有过程也没有结果的恋爱呢?就像从天而降的飞鸟,Life is strange. —— AilsonAir

  • 我想我大概是陷入某种情结里了。 整部电影法式到无与伦比: 静物有巴黎、书店、公寓、塞纳河,活物有飞鸟、猫咪、盘发的知性女、白发的气质男,内容有怪癖、对话、天马行空、怪诞诡谲、莫名的开始、莫名的结束。 很适合我这种极致病态的形式主义者,可以一边享受地观影一边放心地走神,因为不走神也无所谓看懂看不懂佛系意识流,走神了也不影响随时捕捉那些“为艺术而艺术”的瞬间。 如果可以,我愿意让这样的电影作为背... —— Destiny

  • 历史的幽魂在这篇简短却拥有复杂结构的作品里以死亡的形态降临在巴黎的街头,然而如迷一样的“自杀”方式却是源自生存环境的强烈不适。因此《怪趣群鸟》的存在反映了法国一些知识分子隐逸遁世的心态,他们对于能源危机、网络安全以及难民问题等等一系列社会现实既表现出保守主义的冷漠又对此持有浪漫主义的幻想。这种痴人说梦的天真不仅妨碍了他们对于真理的理解,也让那些彼此相爱的人只能在没有时间差的梦里相遇。不过我们还是在... —— Muto

  • 喜欢这空白感和对话,但不得不说女儿还是比妈少了点灵气(竟然跟我同一天生日欸)。。后面男朋友有点像雅克德米? —— 彌張

  • 看女主第一眼就觉得很像于佩尔,果然是于阿姨之女。法式空气刘海、深蓝色大衣、深紫色围巾、高跟黑丝袜,咬着饼干在巴黎的街巷里闲逛,独自看一场印度电影《孤独的妻子》,踩着落叶漫步在林荫大道,塞纳河畔的鸽子东张西望,床头桌子上的猫一边照镜子一边伸懒腰,穿着宽松的蓝色衬衣赤脚踱步在客厅,翻陌生老头的旧照片和杂物,从天而降的鸟离奇死亡,反核游行的福岛土豆一欧元售卖,Le parisien的报纸上刊登着消失的爱... —— 苏黎世的列车

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