《终极标靶2 Hard Target 2》


  Retired mixed martial artist Wes "The Jailor" Baylor (Scott Adkins) can't refuse a million-dollar purse he's offered for one final bout in Myanmar. But when he arrives for the fight, he learns he's been tricked into BECOMING the target of a human hunt. Carrying only water and a ruby-filled money belt for the last person standing, Wes must outsmart the heavily armed group that has paid to kill him. As he fights for his life in the treacherous jungle terrain, the hunters become the hunted.


  • 烂!那个缅甸村姑的美语纯正无口音。被老头打的时候毫无还手之力,差点被qj也是用蛮力反击。我还纳闷这种片子里的亚洲女角色居然不会打。但到了对手是女人的时候,她又变身杨紫琼了。然后我看到这里就不想看下去了。 —— White

  • 难道阿金斯只配弱智导演?不公平 —— futurama

  • 全场瞎用的慢镜头打斗,广播体操一般的女子打架桥段,8个大男人耗光了一车子弹和弓箭都没有射中男主一下,然后一个一个上去送,最后提供场地的军方被男主拿着最终boss给的票票收买了乱枪打死boss,这个是最骚的。男主36E的胸肌全程乱晃我给两星 —— StanlyGK

  • 全程装逼慢镜头,各种一看就是摆拍的造型和白痴到家的追击手 —— обломов

  • 滚滚滚 —— 人皮動物

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