《魔术技法 Sleight》


  A young street magician is left to take care of his little sister after his mother's passing and turns to drug dealing in the Los Angeles party scene to keep a roof over their heads. When he gets into trouble with his supplier, his sister is kidnapped and he is forced to rely on both his sleight of hand and brilliant mind to save her


  • 不如彻底走超能力路线 —— Carf

  • 魔术、毒品、黑社会,超能力,多元素杂糅的青春爱情片,披着科学外衣倒也没那么玄乎。女主好感值不错 —— 方枪枪

  • 欧版蓝光原盘 —— Solitude

  • 黑人街头混混版的万磁王的诞生,格局又小又阴暗,魔术黑帮毒品很多元素参杂在一块儿,蛮乱的。印象比较深刻的是那段对魔术的阐述,魔术背后的技巧说穿了谁都懂,只在于你愿意付出多大代价和牺牲成为魔术师。 —— Justin

  • 点子不错,拍得shit一样 妹子不错 Seychelle Gabriel —— 琧婯

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