《我们依然在这 We Are Still Here》


  After their teenage son is killed in a car crash, Paul (Andrew Sensenig) and Anne (Barbara Crampton) move to the quiet New England countryside to try to start a new life for themselves. But the grieving couple unknowingly becomes the prey of a family of vengeful spirits that reside in their new home, and before long they discover that the seemingly peaceful town they've moved into is hiding a terrifyingly dark secret. Now they must find a way to overcome their sorrow and fight back against both the living and dead as the malicious ghosts threaten to pull their souls - and the soul of their lost son - into hell with them. Written by Dark Sky Films


  • 严重缺乏新意,而且气氛制造还不是特别好,前半段大量的空镜头让人觉得毫无意义,既没有恐怖感,神秘感也差强人意,另外剧情也不是特别出色,一惊一乍大呼小叫,削弱了刺激感,挺没意思的,能下眼的只有高潮部分某些比较血腥的镜头,片尾字幕部分的简报还有点意思,是唯一让人觉得有趣的地方。一星半。 —— Ron Chan

  • 【老杂种必须死】现在这类型恐怖片很难拍出新意,本片题材虽是旧酒,但气氛还算不错,也算今年上半年值得一提的恐怖片。有些人又要开始高冷评论,什么特效差,恐怖元素陈旧,那抱歉,你不适合看恐怖片,还是那些主流电影能满足你们高冷的娱乐心:) —— 巴别塔之后

  • 本片特別之處在於總出鏡人數不足30人,包括各種路人,群眾演員。大量轉場的屋外雪景,讓敘事節奏平靜不急不慢地道來,故事是有頭有尾,但都是舊創意,一個實驗性的小成本加長版短片。特效化裝有創意與概念性,『火』的特性,運用得爐火純青,被火燒死的『鬼』身上,火星還在一明一暗地呼吸,好評。 —— 愛德華艾爾利克

  • 这是喜剧。谁家恶灵会吃穿过的袜子。。 —— 拝啓、あなたへ

  • 后半段开始便有点意思,Bobby究竟在不在地下室呢?值得讨论一下。 —— RYZ

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