《散焦 Bokeh》


  On a romantic getaway to Iceland, a young American couple wake up one morning to discover every person on earth has disappeared. Their struggle to survive and to reconcile the mysterious event lead them to reconsider everything they know about themselves and the world.


  • 人选择自杀,就是太高估自己了,有时候你真的不需要承受太多,你要学会放下让你束手无策的东西,不必一一较真,那样你才可以开心的活下去。 —— 安静的心

  • 很美很清新的轻科幻。 —— 愤怒的瑞瑞酱

  • 小成本科幻片,剧本弱掉了 —— 柯里昂

  • 所以说那些世界如果只剩我俩的假设都很没谱 —— CharlesChou

  • 安静绝望与世隔绝。 —— 江湖大骗子

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