Horizon meets the two men who uncovered Stuxnet, the pioneers of ultra-paranoid computing, a white-hat hacker who showed out how to hac k into stand alone cash machines, and explains how companies test resilience.
13年纪录片还是挺科普的,真不愧是英国人,狂黑美国一点不带手软的… —— 森森森林林
stuxnet到底是怎么传播的,不得而知。我看了看手边的优盘,忍住了,没舍得扔。 —— 容貌焦虑主理人
好像懂了,好像又没懂 —— 一叶知秋
1.量子物理和超多疑电脑运算(ultra-paranoid computing)是数码战争的最新战场。2.震网病毒(Stuxnet)利用即插即用科技成为超级破坏性武器。 —— 晓口袋
because of this document,I am more curious about cryptography! It is interesting to store the password in the unconscious part of our brain,but it is still vulnerable! Because the most dangerous part ... —— 月亮与六便士