十月的强风 October Gale

十月的强风 October Gale磁力下载


  A doctor takes in a mysterious man who washes ashore at her remote cottage with a gunshot wound. Quickly they both learn the killer has arrived to finish the job, while a storm has cut them off from the mainland.


  • 老阿姨美 —— .

  • 就,Tim Roth 气质跟 Callum Keith Rennie 挺像的,真那么相爱的话应该崩了儿子留下老子,毕竟他都说挺喜欢你家房子的了 —— The 星星

  • tim一出场就昏睡过去了,醒来已出字幕 —— 彌張

  • 简介,不喜欢莫名其妙的亲热, —— 厦门雷少

  • 风光催眠大闷片 无救不赎三观无 —— 披着人皮的鬼