《复仇女神 Marple: Nemesis》


  Marple is called upon to solve her most perplexing case yet. Upon his death, financier John Rafiel asks her to solve a murder. Only problem is that the murder may or may not have place as yet and the victim is unknown. All that he has given her is two tickets on the Daffodil Tour Company's Mystery Tour. It soon becomes obvious that others on the tour were also "selected" by Mr. Rafiel. Jane Marple, assisted by her nephew Raymond West, concludes that the case must be related to that of Verity Hunt, a young woman who in 1939 was running away from an overattentive landlord and eventually disappeared. When a member of the tour dies mysteriously, she also realizes that someone is desperate to keep a deep, dark secret.


  • 不和同性恋扯上关系就编不出来故事了啊?英国佬!老太依旧讨人喜爱~ —— 沉水

  • 这个故事能改成这样算是相当不易了,改变思路与BBC版截然不同,突出了对于各色游客的刻画。不过不太喜欢里面利用失忆进行身份调换的桥段,总觉得过于牵强了。 —— Columbo

  • S03E04.神秘的侄子雷蒙德终于现身!人挺好的啊~然后怎么又是拉拉。。居然还是修女拉拉。。。。。怎么这么多百合- -案子其实不错,就是拉拉。。。。。。。。。而且都是没好下场的拉拉,到底是编剧的恶意,还是阿婆先锋意识啊╮(╯▽╰)╭ —— slay

  • 马尔普奶奶的侄子出来了! —— 何求美人折

  • 大表哥在这里的存在感实在太弱。马普尔小姐最后那个仰角镜头赞,确实有复仇女神的凛然。 —— 路伽维加

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