"Kenneth Clark's sumptuous,magisterial,one-man servey of the achievements of bumanistic civilisation is a TV landmark" The daily mail
In 1966 BBC Television embarked on its most ambitious documentary series to date.The eminent art historian Lord Clark was commissioned to write and present an epic examination of Western Eyuopean culture,defining what he considered to be the crucial phases of its development.Civilisation:A personal View by Lord Clark would be more than two years in the making,with filming in over 100 locations across 13 countries.The lavish series was hailed as a masterpiece when it was first transmitted in 1969.
From the fall of the Roman Empire to the Industrial Revolution and beyond,Clark's compelling narrative is accompanied by breathtaking colour photography of Europe's grearest landmarks.This "history of ideas as illustrated by art and music'remains the benchmark for the numerous programmes it inpired.
特别收录 Special Feature
大卫·艾登堡禄爵士回忆《文明的轨迹》制作过程 Sir David Attenborough remembers the making of Civilisation
剧相馆 Photo gallery of behind-the-scenes stills
我看过的最好的纪录片之一。超级的解说,优美的配乐,片段,对艺术的真知卓见。 一直清晰的记住一个论断:自信,是文明的力量的源泉。而自信来自对自我和自然的了解。 —— google
文明最可怕的敌人有两个:一个恐惧,二是无聊。 —— 青石街道的向晚
可能是看过最难的纪录片了,不过到了现在这个年纪就能完全体会到老头儿最后说的本来面目——“顽固保守分子”,秩序胜于混乱,创造胜于破坏,温和胜于暴力,宽恕胜于报复。对文明杀伤力最大的就是缺乏自信,愤世嫉俗和幻灭的杀伤力与炸弹不相上下——看看身边,未来着实不可期。 —— 爱吃的男孩
这才叫文明史精彩的宏大叙事,不管现在看起来拍摄中的技法多么老派,Kenneth选取的视角,题材,配乐,镜头的掌控让人叹服,叙述平实而有力,印象深刻的点实在太多,推荐反复观看... —— Sindre
一个人的文明史 —— 稔之