门后的秘密 Secret Beyond the Door...

门后的秘密 Secret Beyond the Door...磁力下载


  In this Freudian version of the Bluebeard tale, a young, trust-funded New Yorker goes to Mexico on vacation before marrying an old friend whom she considers a safe choice for a husband. However, there she finds her dream man -- a handsome, mysterious stranger who spots her in a crowd. In a matter of days they marry, honeymoon and move to his mansion, to which he has added a wing full of rooms where famous murders took place. She discovers many secrets about the house and her husband, but what she really wants to know is what is in the room her husband always keeps locked.


  • 连朗自己都不待见此片。除了羸弱的反转、烦人的独白以及过多的头绪(儿子姨妈秘书),恐怕选角也存在明显问题。琼贝内特倒是朗在美国时期最爱的女演员之一,可前提是她要演蛇蝎美女而非拯救天使;至于雷德格瑞夫则是面相气质偏儒雅温润,很难表现出病态裂变感……但至少片中一句台词精准概括了弗里茨朗电影美学的场域空间理念,“一处场所的修造方式决定了它里面发生什么。”……https://www.douban.com/p... —— 赱馬觀♣

  • 真相囧了点,其他都很好 —— aicbgyihai

  • 对我来说就是蝴蝶梦+蓝胡子+爱德华大夫,故事不新颖,还是重在表达手法,惊悚的位真是渲染的很好 —— 小能七九西

  • 8.6;飛翔的兇鳥 —— 冰山李

  • 这算弗里茨朗YY的弗洛伊德吧哈哈哈哈,整体过于《蝴蝶梦》,但观赏性也还不错 —— 黑特-007