美丽城 شهر زیبا

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  Akbar has just turned eighteen. He has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen when he was condemned to death. Legally speaking, he had to reach the age of eighteen so that the conviction could be carried out. Now, Akbar is transferred to prison to await the day of his execution. A'la, a friend of Akbar, who himself has undergone imprisonment for burglary, soon after his release tries desperately to gain the consent of Akbar's plaintiff so as to stop the execution.


  • 电影节路线:曙光旬-华沙-果阿-香港。法哈蒂第二部找到了自己的风格(多重道德困境的social drama),简直脱胎换骨,已经能看出日后爆款[一次别离]的气象。伊朗独有的社会逻辑才能让这个故事成立。拍得还是太电视剧了一些(尤其布光)。 —— 胤祥

  • “血钱”体制引发的连锁反应,依然是没有结局的结局,法律与信仰、与道德间不可调和的巨大矛盾,这个时候的法哈蒂就已颇具巨匠风范 —— RIC

  • 法哈蒂了得!又奉献了一出五星剧本。总结一下法哈蒂的叙事模式:先爆破故事的肇起点,接着介入他者(展开叙述同时介入叙述),让所有人物陷入自利与道德或宗教的两难抉择的境地:抉择前—动机刻画起人物,动机后—选择则推动故事发展。所以他的电影最出彩永远是以下两点:故事与人物。 —— 把噗

  • 虽然远比不上《一次别离》,但仍然是对伊朗社会的展示,仍然是不带主观评判的旁观者视角,仍然是没有答案的结局。复仇,信仰和道德间的挣扎最终都回落到爱情主题则显得有点刻意,不过调度摄影神马的都很赞。 —— 陀螺凡达可

  • 6/10/2005 7:40pm bc —— 何倩彤