《黑色共和国 그들도 우리처럼》

  • 导演:
  • 编剧:
  • 主演:

    朴重勋 / 文成根 / 沈惠珍

  • 朴重勋/文成根/沈惠珍

  • 类型:
  • 上映日期:
  • 片长:
  • 又名:
    The Black Republic
  • 评分:
  • IMDb:


  Charged with leading demonstrations for the democratization movement, student activist Kim Gi-young (Moon Sung-keun) is a fugitive from the law. He sneaks into a mining village on the verge of being shut down, with a fake ID in hand. Feeling frustrated with the current state of activism, which centers around the intelligentsia, he gets a job as a man-of-all-work at a coal factory and meets the motley inhabitants of the mining village. Dae-sik (Yang Jin-yeong) works to support his family in place of his father, who is in prison for instigating a strike. Detective Kang (Lee Su-chan) always keeps a sharp eye on everything that goes on in the village. Then there are strike organizer Cheon Do-seong (Kang Neung-won), fellow worker Jeong (Hwang Hae), Taek's mother (Kim Kyung-ran), and Sun's mother (Jo Ju-mi). Sung-cheol (Park Joong-hoon), whose father is a local bigshot and the owner of the coal factory, lords it over the neighborhood bars and cafes. Angry at his father (Park Kyu-chae) for leaving his mother and marrying another woman, Sung-cheol vents his resentment on the cafe girls and factory workers. Meanwhile, Young-sook (Shim Hye-jin), who works as a prostitute at the local cafe, is becoming fed up with Sung-cheol's violent and demeaning treatment of her. When she meets Gi-young, who is reserved but warm, she begins to have feelings for him and stops selling sexual favors. As the impending miners' strike darkens the horizon, Gi-young and Young-sook fall in love and enjoy each other's company. Then one day, Sung-cheol receives news of his mother's death and wreaks havoc at the cafe. When Young-sook refuses to satisfy his demands, he starts to beat her up. Gi-young tries to stop him, but his intervention brings him to the attention of Detective Kang and he is hauled off to the police station. Gi-young undergoes torture at the hands of the police, but he is eventually cleared of all charges and released. When he finally comes to through Young-sook's devoted care, he tells her that he is a wanted fugitive. His identity is soon exposed and he is forced to run once more. Young-sook decides to leave the village with him, and heads to the cafefor her things. While making her last coffee delivery, Young-sook runs into Sung-cheol, who tries to stop her from leaving. She ends up killing him, and is dragged off by the police as Gi-young waits for her at the train station.


  • 劳工和爱情 —— 唐朝

  • 因為這部片知道了韓國八十年代的那場民主運動... 片末那句革命特征的口號 讓不同階層的人們混集在動蕩的魔爪之下 —— mimi

  • 朴光洙韩国新浪潮第二弹作品,继承了首部就确认的社会批判态度,他此时也从入行新人跃居到了忠武路主力了。摄制手法有着明显的提升,大全景取景的纵轴景深调度极为精彩,也围绕此设计了人物分层次的站位与舒缓长镜的有效使用,虽然导致了情节单场化过于明显,整体不顺畅,存在割裂感,但在大组合段内却很有味道。朴重勋终于找到了适合自己的角色,他那利用自身反应而非扮演呈现的演法,完全不适合正面角色啊!不过他在三年后的《两... —— 云雾敛

  • “消失的是今天的黑暗,更灿烂的明天是活着的人,今天的黑暗就是希望”;矿工、妓女、弃儿、凶杀、政治运动,韩国的现实主义。 —— 欢乐分裂

  • 虽然片尾对白给出了“希望”二字,但整部影片的基调都是灰败的,所谓黑色,还是现在时,只是寄希望于未来,于活着的人。可能也是时势的影响,新浪潮的题材总是先于电影语言,尤其朴导。 —— mandyzyx

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