《汉堡总动员 Good Burger》


  Dexter Reed, a high-schooler is force to get a summer job at a fast food restaurant called Good Burger after causing a car wreck by his school teacher Mr. Wheat. So Dexter must pay off his teacher's car by working very hard at Good Burger. Meanwhile things turned worse when Mondo Burger, a mammoth fast-food chain opens across the street, it looks like Good Burger is soon going to be history for good! Now it is up to Dexter and his new friend Ed the not-so bright cashier to save the day, as they develop a delicious special secret sauce that Ed created brings hundreds of new customers to their door and makes their new competition desperate to steal the recipe and all of their customers.


  • 只记得那个拉面头黑屌丝的欢迎来到XX汉堡那段了 —— обломов

  • 另类阿甘的美国梦 —— 梅林

  • 哈哈 fauxstalgia + stoner movie for kids —— Murr

  • 好久以前看的,Kenan呀!!! —— Claudia

  • hhh 老板给我超级美式一份! —— 记住熬夜别睡觉

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