Charles Burnett, one of America's most highly regarded independent filmmakers, wrote and directed this domestic drama about a black middle-class family living in South central Los Angeles. However, there are no gangs, no guns, no drugs but instead a lyrical story that draws on folklore and the supernatural.
family tensions are already simmering when Harry (Danny Glover) arrives to visit his old friends. He exudes an easy charm, knows secret past and present and is soon installed in the heart of the family. However, as his stay lengthens, so does he begin to cast an even more malevolent spell, provoking turmoil, setting son against son, reviving past hatreds, and inflicting a mysterious illness.
Glover delivers a career-topping performance as the garrulous family friend, full of hidden menace, effortlessly evoking nostalgia and horror in the same breath.
As ever, Burnett provides a wonderful music track featuring gospel, blues and jazz and a cameo from the legendary Jimmy Weatherspoon.
'A slow-burning, soul-insinuating, 12-bar blues of a movie.' Tom Charity, Time Out
'Danny Glover is marvellous, and terrifying, as a charismatic old-timer.' The Times
(from the description on the back cover of the DVD)
前四十分钟完全摸不透到底是什么样的电影 只觉得设定很好但narrating不顺 冲突太直 声音的shifting perspective也不work 但慢慢就完全神秘紧张了起来 高潮的家庭争执像宗教画 时间的流逝参照是小儿子太太的肚子 和解时兄弟的对话是听不清的低语 非常幽默聪明 应该再看一遍 —— 烏鴉
很难归类的电影。神秘来客Harry的到访不仅激化了一户中产黑人家庭的矛盾,也为观众带来了南部黑人的各种迷信和俚俗:对扫帚的忌讳,只能用茶杯喝玉米酒,还有让人迷惑的“Toby”护身符。似乎拥有摄魂术的Harry Mention被认为原型是被黑人社区异化后的“The Hairy Man”童话。不过导演伯内特2016年的一次采访中谈及这部影片,他的表述更接近于Harry“气场不对”,而非在挟妖术做法:“... —— Chuan
8.0/10。①因黑人男主到访一个中产黑人家庭(男主与家庭中的妻子丈夫是多年未见的好友)而导致这个本就存在危机的家庭陷入了各种风波。②各种有趣/讽刺的幽默(比如54分钟左右古法护理病人那段),整体水平≤8.0。③运用固定或缓慢的运镜、缓慢/平淡的叙事节奏、精美且表意有力的高水平摄影美术等营造中产式的生活化美感。 —— 持人的摄影机
没有枪支毒品政治正确泛滥的黑人电影,看着就真的觉得种族是不存在的,人一旦中产起来都是一个shi样。平平淡淡,虽然也有戏剧冲突,但是就真的感觉非常日常,仿佛就是日常纪录齁。不差,可以四星,只是个人没有代入感罢了 —— Evilly ☣
看了Charles Burnett的Killer of Sheep和这一部(不同意Ebert的差评)都好赞!前者是早期学生时代的情感充沛的表达,形式感更强一些;后者是时隔二十多年后的更内敛但是更丰富的表述:各有味道,同样动人。同作为黑人导演的代表,Burnett相比Mike Lee的Do The Right Thing需要更敏感细腻的观众。 —— 如