During the last winter of the Civil War, cavalry officer Amos Dundee leads a contentious troop of Army regulars, Confederate prisoners and scouts on an expedition into Mexico to destroy a band of Apaches who have been raiding U.S. bases in Texas.
故事很简单:印第安人奇袭小镇,掳走几个儿童作为人质。而邓迪少校深知无法像John Wayne那样单枪匹马实施营救,于是联合起一切可以联合的力量,从死囚犯到偷马贼,从雇佣军到黑人士兵,组建一支杂牌军队对付印第安人。这支军队自然问题多多,时不时起个内乱什么的都不在话下,好在最后还是顺利击退了印第安人和黄雀在后的法国军队。铺垫似乎过长,与两方势力的决斗都几乎到最后半小时才出现。前半段除了战争动员,监狱驯... —— Mr.Graceless
总的来说,有点张彻,Richard Harris相当于姜大卫,James Coburn类似陈观泰。但是,Charlton Heston实在太八路军干部了,无法让人信服。另外,血浆跟慢镜都不够啊。 —— 皮革业
Cinco de Mayo 的后果,後來的狂莽騎手借鑑了本片的主題 —— Die Katze
感觉这一部不是典型的佩金法西部片。"Major Dundee" is a forgotten, much underrated masterpiece, though admittedly affected by many defects. Indeed, here the director Peckinpah is (almost) as much innovative as in his un... —— stknight
萨姆佩金帕早期作品,片子拍得纠结犹豫。那个暴力美学大师尚未露头。 —— 拔刀诀