披着娘皮的蜥蜴 Una lucertola con la pelle di donna

披着娘皮的蜥蜴 Una lucertola con la pelle di donna磁力下载


  Florinda Bolkan plays the daughter of a prominant English politician who keeps having recurring "nightmares" in which she makes love to a bisexual nympho who lives downstairs and conducts all-night LSD orgies. When the nocturnal wet dreams become murderous, the neighbor turns up dead, and Florinda is the main suspect. Did she actually commit the murder she dreamt about? Is she being framed by her philandering husband? Did Florinda actually make nightly visits downstairs aside from borrowing the occasional cup of sugar? How DID Florinda's letter opener end up stuck in the dead neighbor's chest anyway? The complex plot unfolds amidst red herrings, outlandish dream sequences, lesbian hanky panky, and ominous close-ups of Florinda Bolkan's guilt-ridden facial expressions every time someone mentions the murder. All this takes place in swinging late-1960's London.


  • 又是一部意大利人导演的英国电影,演父亲的吉恩和演探长的贝克都是资深英伦演员,虽然语言标着意大利语,可看口型他们说得都是在说英语? —— 赱馬觀♣

  • 摄影、色彩极佳,前面梦境部分亦幻亦真,非常的嬉皮、华丽,人物气场凛凛,后面凶案部分服化道、场景依然在线,故事倒没那么勾人了,还是喜欢。爱狗人士慎看,有个 场面较为残忍。 —— 内陆飞鱼

  • 前半部真是非常喜欢了。摄影构图水准在线,梦境拍的很惊艳,开场不久有个分屏镜头用的挺妙,中场的追杀戏也还行。但铅黄片好像就是改不了故弄弦虚的臭毛病,每次看的我都很尴尬,这部也不例外 —— 刍狗

  • 这不铅黄也不恐怖,甚至有点本格推理,前面神神叨叨,我觉得比费里尼的朱丽叶与魔鬼好,大不敬,叫这个片名还真是有意思…… —— 碧桃仙子

  • 三星:剧情设定和路径走向并不难猜,亮点在于女主的几场春梦以及最后阶段的追杀,女主本人也有一种自带的颓废气质。 —— 罗西基