《夜阑人未静 While the City Sleeps》


  A power struggle ensues after the death of media magnate Amos Kyne, whose corporation has been turned over to his sole heir, his foppish son Walter. Rather than run the company himself, Walter decides to let the heads of its three divisions fight it out for control. Their assignment is to score an exclusive on a serial killer who is terrorizing women in New York. The Kyne organization's newspaper dubs him "The Lipstick Killer." If a resourceful someone can identify him even before the police do, Walter Kyne will reward him with the title of executive director. One of the three, newspaper editor John Day Griffith, has an ally in high-profile reporter Edward Mobley, who also does reports on Kyne's television network. While wire-service chief Mark Loving recruits star writer Mildred Donner to be his eyes and ears, a third contender for the top job, Harry Kritzer, carries on a secret affair with Dorothy, who is Walter Kyne's wife....


  • 一开始会认为导演将重拾M主题再讲连环杀手,可演着演着就发现此案逐渐由明转暗,退弱为另个企业争位四方角力故事的叙事串联或者讽刺比对。其中最暗黑的比对来自:男主与杀手擅长同样的门锁手法,虽然前者只保留在玩笑层级;男主利用媒体挑衅杀手而使女友陷入危险,细想起来竟比同事高层利用老板女人上位的行径更加夸张!虽然它被掩盖在了擒凶伏法的正义光环下。弗里茨朗强调自己更追求电影作品的批判性与记录感。就本片而言,以原... —— 赱馬觀♣

  • 朗老爷子的一般水准作品。开头酷似《偷窥狂》,不过前戏为了显示职业群戏而使得节奏变慢,而对画幅的不适应也让很多构思无法呈现。 —— 巅峰Futurama迷

  • 弗里茨·朗的这部黑色电影说实话并没有达到我的预期,虽然影片开头的谋杀其实还是很吸引人的,但到后面却成了男女主角的墨迹以及新闻行业对待谋杀案的态度的展示。和同年的《高度怀疑》(男主角同样是达纳·安德鲁斯)相比还是要差一些。影片演了一半多才进入状态,可能这次朗的侧重点并非我所感兴趣的 —— stknight

  • 关于连环杀手,John Barrymore Jr.心智不成熟的mammy's boy显然不如Boston Strangler令人信服。黑色也不够彻底,结尾不少转折点。 —— somnambuleNRR6

  • Lang aurait vraiment pu faire mieux. Rien d'extraordinaire. —— KUMA

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