小成本的美国片,结局稍弱了点,不过整个过程还是挺幽默和欢乐,美式的个性喜剧。I can't stand the quiet! —— 合纥
"There is no such thing as adventure. There's no such thing as romance. There's only trouble and desire. And the funny thing is, when you desire something you immediately get into trouble. And when yo... —— Siglinde
反叛,犬儒,高傲,性感,欧洲气质在美国独立电影中的借尸还魂,我们都是困顿在一座冰渍上的人呐。(会让人联想到[低俗小说]和[杀手莱昂],还挺奇特的 —— 鬼腳七
哈特利真的算得上是近三十年来最被大陆影迷所忽略的美国优秀作者之一了。 —— 文森特九六
小成本的美国片,结局稍弱了点,不过整个过程还是挺幽默和欢乐,美式的个性喜剧。I can't stand the quiet! —— 合纥
"There is no such thing as adventure. There's no such thing as romance. There's only trouble and desire. And the funny thing is, when you desire something you immediately get into trouble. And when yo... —— Siglinde
从某种程度上说,哈特利是在试图把90年代欧洲文艺片的形势与风格美国本土化。将自己与世界隔绝的人物,无孔不入的孤独感,怪诞的情节,与戏剧目标无关的对白,欧洲电影式的诗歌化处理……好吧,我承认我已经过了为这些形式买单的年纪了。 —— 品客