《第二生命 Seconds》


  Middle-aged banker Arthur Hamilton is given the opportunity to start a completely new life when he receives calls from his old friend Charlie. The only problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead. Hamilton is eventually introduced to a firm that will fake his death and create an entirely new look and life for him. After undergoing physical reconstruction surgery and months of training and psychotherapy, Hamilton returns to the world in the form of artist Tony Wilson. He has a nice house in Malibu and a manservant, a company employee who is there to assist him with his adjustment. He finds that the life he had hoped for isn't quite what he expected and asks the company to go through the process with surprising results. Written by garykmcd


  • 弗兰肯海默这一片恐怖极了。这是对嬉皮年代的商业社会的猛击,同时也对60年代的反文化运动提出了知识分子的深深质疑:当青春和自由都成了商品,嬉皮精神也会成为消费社会的帮凶。这片欠缺的地方,在于后半段似乎少了些戏。意义的线索梳理得不清楚。不过男主人公的老婆说出:他早就死了。那句真是来劲。 —— dinosaurs

  • 构思出色的科幻,寻求认同的重生寓言,黄宗霑的摄影很有看头,扭曲迷幻如同梦境,在大银幕观看特别带感。还看到了很多后来电影的影子,包括达伦的《梦之安魂曲》和芬奇的《心理游戏》。 —— 陀螺凡达可

  • 8/10。开头摄影机深入五官内部拍摄,仿佛寻找着身体内的灵魂,人脸起伏多变随即又被拼接,正如主角沉溺在金钱和肉体狂欢所提供的梦幻与虚妄之中,只得陷入精神被支配、肉身被奴役的困境,并强迫接受他人对自己的改造,成为等待室里拉拢熟人进组织的芸芸众生一份子。[幻体]诸多设定都一模一样源自本片! —— 火娃

  • 黄宗沾深焦和长焦摄影真棒这种主观镜头算是gopro的老祖宗了吧。对于六零年代美国人自身身份的符号和去符号化。用一种这样敌托邦的构架反射出来。可以看出很多之后的科幻片都有这里的影子。配乐做得很好。声音好像是dub的 —— 好样的

  • 弗兰肯海默60年代巅峰期的收官之作。惊世骇俗、极具实验性的科幻艺术片。论及身份认同,美国中年男子的心理危机 - 渴望自由、青春、情感及理想。黑白摄影极佳、梦幻般的镜头组合令人目不暇接。约翰.兰道夫和洛克.赫德森一前一后的对角色塑造刻画细腻。 —— 大奇特(Grinch)

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